Friday, December 26, 2014

Hero Cats

Cats are a part of many people's lives, including mine. Some people think that cats are stuck up, haughty, and cowards. They think, well, they must be cowards because otherwise there would not be the term 'scaredy cat'. They compare cats to dogs on the friendly scale, and make themselves believe that dogs are better pets. They call themselves 'dog people'. 
Don't get me wrong, I love dogs. They are adorable and friendly, which is exactly why I love cats! Cats are devoted pets and they can be even more heroic than some dogs.   Have you seen the viral video of Tara the hero cat? 

Tara protected her young owner with no thought of herself. It is happy to say that Jeremy Triantafilos is ok now. This is only one story of a heroic cat. There are so many more! Just search heroic cats on the web, and you will be amazed at how many stories there are. Who knows! Maybe a cat might save your life one day.

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